Kimberly Chia, PropertyLimBrothers and BR Law | PropertyLimCannis Show Ep 4 – Landed Properties 101
What are the types of landed properties and how are they differentiated? Curious about the current price trends for landed properties, or what happens if there are unauthorised renovations found in the landed property after purchase?
In this episode, Kimberley Chia from Noontalk Media shares property and legal tips and advice on the highly sought after landed housing segment. The PropertyLimCannis show is brought to you by Cannis Seng from BR Law together with Melvin Lim and Adrian Lim of PropertyLimBrothers, and hosted by Kimberley Chia. Stay tuned to find out tips and advice from a real estate lawyer and property experts while uncovering current Singapore property topics for home seekers such as yourself!
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