August 31, 2021

Chit Chat Sessions Ep 30 | Overcoming Ethnic Quota for a Fuss-free & Efficient Sale (Marc & Alan)

It’s another Chit Chat Session episode! This time, we chat with Iman on the entire journey from helping him sell his previous family home to searching for a new home that in the end, is just located 2 blocks away! A true Ang Mo Kio-lover indeed.

In this episode we highlighted some of the key considerations in buying a resale HDB flat, out of which included the minority and ethnic ratio. These factors were what made Iman and his family anxious as the ethnic ratio varies from month-to-month, and they were concerned that they would not be able to purchase the flat the following month if they were to drag on the sale of their current home, so they spared no expense and time.

Iman even went hands-on and took on the role as a make-shift painter when told that the theme of the entire house was to be more neutral and constant throughout for a more presentable overall viewing experience. How does he fair as a “Bao Ga Liao” (cover everything) owner, we think he’s great!

Iman’s reassurance of our PLB team’s professionalism and praise of the well-thought-out marketing sequence as well as client support gives us great courage and confidence in putting forth more content as well as helping more people find their forever homes.