Marketing Is Like Farming

PLB Editorial Team

October 30, 2019

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What exactly is marketing in the real estate business world, and what is the mindset of a salesperson when they want to conduct their own business?

When you are a real estate salesperson, lead generation is one of the key components that will contribute to the success of your business. No matter how competent you are, if there is no one around for you to help or do business for, then you’re not going to have any business, because no one knows you and recognises your competencies and potential value-add to your clients, if you had any.

There are three categories of lead generation:

  1. Prospecting

  2. Marketing

  3. Branding

Marketing is a lot like farming. A farmer works hard: works through all four seasons, ploughs the soil, plants the seeds. But after the planting, the remaining is based on faith. Faith, because the farmer cannot predict when the rain will come, or when the sun will be out, or eventually how well the crops will grow to be. All the farmer can do best is to be persistent on the groundwork.

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Marketing is similar in this sense — although it is not 100% guaranteed that your effort today will definitely yield significant results, but if you persist on consistent and effortful groundwork, in the long run you will definitely see results. Many of our clients may come to us to do business only after the 12 to 18 months that they have been watching us behind their screens.

All in all, marketing is a mid to long-term thing. Think of how to be innovative in creating value-adding content. Build up your clients’ trust in you. Everything you do now will eventually translate to future sales.

So, be consistent, be persistent, and of course, be patient.

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